
The goal with picoXML is to develop a simple XML-parser in ANSI-C
that supports basic XML-features. The most important factor is not
features, it is the SIZE (the size matters ;))!

My intention is that this parser will be used to XML-enable applications
with strict memory restrictions, for example parameter handling in
Boot ROMs, BIOS:es, data exchange, etc in embedded applications.

It is not necessary to send me the source code if one add features or
fix bugs, but it would help me improve picoXML and this will gain
all users. Also it would be nice to know if you are using picoXML
in your projects and also what kind of project it is.

Only basic XML-parser functionality should be placed in picoXML.c, add-on
features should be places in other modules, for example in picoUtil.c,
picoDOM.c etc.

Current parser features:
- Attributes
- Predefined entity references
- Character references
- CDATA sections
- Empty tags (<..../>)

Planned parser features:
- Name spaces
- DTD support


best regards,
  Anders Svensson

ESDG Konsult AB

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